CCA Foundation
Phone: 239-472-2001
The CCA Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded by the Captiva Civic Association Board of Governors in February 2009. The Mission of the CCA Foundation is to undertake funding support for the Captiva Civic Association in addition to various other community wide organizations, which provide educational and public benefit programs on and around Captiva Island.
The CCA Foundation is governed by a five member Board of Directors consisting of three concurrent Captiva Civic Association Board Governors and two other voting members of the Association. The CCA Foundation welcomes volunteer help and financial support from CCA members. For additional information, please contact the CCA Foundation office.
Board of Directors
Mike Bennett – Director/President
Pam Rosen – Director/Vice President
Pat Boris – Director/Secretary
Dave Saunders – Director/Treasurer
Lisa Riordan- Director